Can I Be Absent?

"Can I be absent on all school days?"

This is what my four-soon-to-be-five-year-old said to me this afternoon. She likes school, but it's too long. The bus driver keeps switching kids around in their seats. The teacher keeps telling them to sit down and listen.

"She wants me to listen!"

My gosh - the nerve of that woman! I want her to listen too, but I'm not holding my little darling has an amazing ability to tune out what she doesn't want to hear (she gets it from me).

These are the problems of a kindergarten student.

Oh, how I wish I was still in kindergarten! Being read to, playing house (not cleaning it), getting to run around and scream without anyone looking at me like I'm crazy...yes. Those were the days. And naps. Naptime would be a hit with me if I was still in kindergarten.


Michelle said...

I had to smile at this post. Some of our students express this to their parents too. And some also wants to go to school (even if they are sick) LOL. You have such a darling child. Just like you.

amy jane said...

Thanks Michelle - you are so sweet! I bet your students love coming to school to hang out with you!

Unknown said...

I always loved naptime-- still do:-)

Stephanie Hicks said...

Such a cutie! I love this age. Last night, my 5-year old son said, "Mommy, I just can't stop looking at the sunset." Even if we can't be that age again, it helps to view it through the sweet, innocent eyes of childhood.

amy jane said...

Pinkpackrat - I wish someone would insist I take a nap daily! I just can't seem to allow myself! :)

I agree, Steph! They really help us remember how good life can be when you are simply watching a sunset!
